Song Meanings
Meaning of the Song "Conversation on a Tram (Razgovor v tramvae) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Robber Song (Razboynichya pesnya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Journey to the past (Puteschestvie v proschloe) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Once in a Moscow tavern sat... (Raz v moskovskom kabake sideli...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Confusion (Putanica) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Dead ahead, look, could it be a butterfly…? (Pryamo po nosu, glyadite, to li babochka…) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Farewell to the Mountains (Proschanie s gorami) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The time for introductions and preludes is over. (Proschla pora vstupleniy i prelyudiy) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Professionals (Professionalyi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Forge, forge. (Prolojite, prolojite) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The hour has struck, the long-awaited silver hour. (Probil chas, dolgojdannyiy serebryanyiy chas) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About Seryozhka Fomin (Pro Serejku Fomina) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About Robin Hood (Pro Robin Gusya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About the Vacha River and my fellow traveler, Valya. (Pro rechku Vachu i poputchicu Valyu) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About the long jumper. (Pro pryiguna v dlinu) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About Mary Ann (Pro Meri Enn) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About mongooses (Pro mangustov) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Love in the Renaissance Era (Pro lyubov v epohu Vozrojdeniya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About Magadan (Pro Magadan) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "On Love in the Middle Ages (Pro lyubov v Srednie veka) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Love in the Stone Age (Pro lyubov v kamennom veke) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Plainclothes officer. (Pro lichnost v schtatskom) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About Cook. (Pro Kuka) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About two musclemen brothers, Prova and Nikolay. (Pro dvuh gromilov bratev Prova i Nikolaya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "About fools. (Pro glupcov) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song ""You starved us, VOKhR guards, starved us..." (Primorili, VOHRyi, primorili…) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "In any weather. (Pri vsyakoy pogode) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "It's really unfair, isn't it? (Pravda ved, obidno) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A friend appeared for me / I made a friend. (Poyavilsya drug u menya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "After the victory, it became light... (Posle pobedyi stalo svetlo...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A Visit from the Muse, or A Plagiarist's Ditty (Poseschenie Muzyi, ili Pesenka plagiatora) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Landing (Posadka) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Fellow traveler (Poputchik) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Medley of military songs: (Popurri iz voennyih pesen:) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "I remember playing Durak, Point, and Stoss back then. (Pomnyu, ya v buru, v ochko i v stos togda igral) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Received by the store manager. (Poluchil zavmagazina) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "The deceased (Pokoynik) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A dimly lit room, the smoke of cigarettes... (Polumrachnaya komnata, dyim papiros...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "While you're here in the tiled tub (Poka vyi zdes v vannochke s kafelem) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Fires (Pojaryi) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Forgetting about business/work/chores (Pozabyiv pro dela) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Trip to the city (Poezdka v gorod) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Think nothing of it... things aren't so good with the wife!... (Podumaesch — s jenoy ne ochen ladno!...) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Impressed. Instructions before traveling abroad. (Pod vpechatleniem. Instrukciya pered poezdkoy za rubej) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Submarine (Podvodnaya lodka) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Talk to me, at least you. (Pogovori hot tyi so mnoy) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Spend a day in a police officer's shoes. (Pobudte den vyi v miliceyskoy schkure) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Dash to Freedom (Pobeg na ryivok) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Across the tundra (Po tundre) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A Tashkent fruit seller's letter from the Central Market (Pismo torgovca taschkentskimi fruktami s Centralnogo) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Letter from Tambov Workers to Chinese Leaders (Pismo tambovskih rabochih kitayskim rukovoditelyam) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A Letter to a Friend, or Parisian Sketch (Pismo k drugu, ili Zarisovka o Parije) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Letter to the editor of the TV program "The Obvious - Incredible" from a mental institution - from Kanatchikova Dacha (Pismo v redakciyu televizionnoy peredachi «Ochevidnoe-neveroyatnoe» iz sumasschedschego doma – s "
Meaning of the Song "Letter (Pismo) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Pirate Song (Piratskaya pesnya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A fairytale song about evil spirits (Pesnya-skazka pro nechist) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "Pirate (Piratskaya) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A song-tale about unfortunate fairy tale characters (Pesnya-skazka pro neschastnyih skazochnyih personajey) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A song-story about a genie (Pesnya-skazka pro djinna) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
Meaning of the Song "A song-tale about evil spirits (Pesnya-skazka o nechisti) - the performer of the song Vladimir Vysotsky"
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