Song Meanings
Meaning of the Song "Gentlemen (Gospoda) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "City (Gorod) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Mountain (Gora) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "The main thing (Glavnoe) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Garages (Garaji) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Sunday (Voskresene) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Take me. (Vozmi menya) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Within me (Vo mne) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "In the metro / On the subway (V metro) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Splashes (Bryizgi) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Infinity (Beskonechnost) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Blues (Blyuz) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "No chance. (Bez schansov) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Arrivederci. (Arivederchi) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Arrivederci. (Arividerchi) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Antananarivo (Antananarivu) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Abuse (Abyuz) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Australia (Avstraliya) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Zero - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Webgirl - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Jim Beam - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "1000 years (1000 let) - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "Goodbye - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "-140 - the performer of the song Zemfira"
Meaning of the Song "The Call (Zvonok) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Sinister Cousin (Zloveschiy Kuzen) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Villain and the Hat (Zlodey i Schapka) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Life (Jizn) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Pity there’s no gun! (Jal, net Rujya!) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Pig Defender (Zaschitnik Sviney) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Defenders (Zaschitniki) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Father's prohibition (Zapret otca) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Bully and the Soldier (Zadira i soldat) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Forgotten boots (Zabyityie botinki) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Nobody needs me. (Ya nikomu ne nujen) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Sorcerer's Return (Vozvraschenie Kolduna) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Vyacheslav - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Memory of a Past Love (Vospominanie O Byiloy Lyubvi) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Thief, the Earl, and the Countess (Vor, Graf i Grafinya) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Magic Eye of Old Man Alonso (Volschebnyiy glaz starika Alonsa) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Hairstealer (Volosokrad) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Hairthief (Voloskrad) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Water spirit (Vodyanoy) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Sudden Head (Vnezapnaya Golova) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Hobbit Wine (Vino Hobbitov) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Herald (Vestnik) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Trolls (Vesyolyie Trolli) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Faithful Wife (Vernaya Jena) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Witch and the Donkey (Vedma i osyol) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Widow and the Hunchback (Vdova i Gorbun) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Jack and Queen (Valet i Dama) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "To Paris Home (V Parij Domoy) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "At the Neighbor's Place (V Gostyah u Soseda) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "In the Vanity Fair (V Dome Sueta) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Morning dawn (Utrenniy rassvet) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Drowned Man (Utoplennik) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "Pull. (Tyani) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Thirteenth Wound (Trinadcataya Rana) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Clown's Shadow (Ten Klouna) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
Meaning of the Song "The Theatre Demon (Teatralnyiy demon) - the performer of the song The King and the Jester"
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