Song Meanings
Meaning of the Song "Remember the years...? (Pomnisch, byili godyi) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "The field is green. (Pole zelyonoe) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Call me. (Pozvoni mne) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Yellowed leaf (Pojeltevschiy list) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Puppy-style, wolf-style (Po - schenyachi, po - volchi) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Letter to Mom (Pismo mame) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "The phrase "Песня о калининских ханыгах" is difficult to translate directly into English without further context. The word "ханыга" is a derogatory term for a homeless person or vagrant, often associated with al (Pes"
Meaning of the Song "The Boys (Pacanyi) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Pepsi (Peps) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Snow was falling. (Padal sneg) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Why am I laughing all day long? (Otchego ves den smeyus) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Let me go, boss. (Otpusti menya, nachalnik) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Autumn rain (Osenniy dojd) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Process completed. (Okonchen process) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "How the Women Went to Complain to God About Men (O tom, kak jenschinyi hodili jalovatsya na mujchin k Bogu) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "About the city of Kalinin (O gorode Kalinine) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Well, goodbye. (Nu proschay) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "New year, new rules. (Novyiy god, poryadki novyie) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Nostalgia for a future love (Nostalgiya o buduschey lyubvi) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Cool, bro! (Nischtyak, bratok!) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Innocent (Ni v chyom ne vinovatyiy) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Didn't burn, loved. (Ne spalila, lyubila) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "The flame doesn't die out. (Ne gasnet ogonyok) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Not in Paris. (Ne v Parije) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Don't throw away my love. (Ne brosay moyu lyubov) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "To the south. (Na yuga) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "On a military vehicle (Na voennoy maschine) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "On former Novaya (Na byivschey Novoy) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Mouse (Myischka) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Musya the Buffet Lady (Musya-bufetchica) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Morozovsky Gorodok (Morozovskiy gorodok) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "My neighbor (Moy sosed) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "The Monologue of a Schizophrenic (Monolog schizofrenika) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "My God (Moy Bog) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "I don't understand you. (Mne tebya ne ponyat) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "To my friends. (Moim druzyam) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "My dear city (Milyiy moy gorod) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "My sweet bunny. (Milaya zayka moya) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Dream of marriage (Mechta o zamujestve) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "The suit of clubs (Mast krestovaya) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Mara Vihar (Maraviher) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Mom's friends (Maminyi podrujki) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Madam - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Magadan - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Lyrical (Liricheskaya) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Summer day (Letniy den) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Swans (Lebedi) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Godmother (informal) (Kumovaya) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Cupolas (Kupola) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Crosses (Krestyi) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Red Pockets 2 (Krasnyie karmanyi-2) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Red pockets (Krasnyie karmanyi) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Tattoo artist (Kolschik) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Beauty (Krasavica) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "When you are far away (Kogda tyi daleko) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "When we met. (Kogda s toboy myi vstretilis) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Blind and deaf to everything (Ko vsemu slep i gluh) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Klava is lilac. (Klava - siren) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Katya - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
Meaning of the Song "Viburnum - raspberry (Kalina - malina) - the performer of the song Mikhail Krug"
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